Small Business Tagline

The Secret of Successful Small Business Tagline

Businesses that lead in the market mostly use a Tagline. This one sentence can often make or destroy a business by expressing or alienating your potential customers. Small business taglines are always created by professional copywriters and sometimes by the entrepreneur’s idea to start the business. If you don’t have a small business tagline for your business, you can choose to get one while you still can.



A small business tagline is a marketing term used to elaborate your business in key terms. This is a brief statement about your business, which always adds the name of your company in marketing materials. Your small business tagline should reflect what you do and how it differs from other companies in your sector. Your business tagline may also reflect some specific features of your business.



The advantage of the small business tagline is that it is short and can be used in a variety of media. The slogan would be suitable for a business card and a short TV commercial. Your company’s small business tagline allows you to advertise your business without spending money on advertising. It forms a brand for you and your business. The reason taglines are short, memorable small business taglines can involve specific emotions in your current or potential customers that they will always be with you.



Bad small business taglines not only help but also hurt you. If your potential customers are confused by an ambiguous or vague slogan, they may go beyond their business to their needs.



Designing a small business tagline can be done by consulting a professional copywriter. A copywriter works professionally in the field of advertising, sales development, and marketing materials. If you know your product and your business, a copywriter may be better at writing than you, allowing you to express the nature of your business concisely, which you can’t.


How to Create Your Own Advertising Small business taglines

Advertising is a vehicle through which companies promote their products or services to their target audience. The purpose is to persuade the buyer to buy the item. With so many advertisers competing for consumer attention, it’s significant to get buyers to choose and trust your business more than your competitors. One way to differentiate your business from others is to use a catchy small business tagline.



A small business tagline is a short phrase or sentence that you use to represent and identify your business. The small business tagline is always a permanent part of your brand identity. It’s not the same as a slogan. The slogan is used as part of an advertising campaign to sell a specific product or service and is usually used for a short duration of time. The tagline will always remain with the brand for many years.


Determine Your Identity

Before you can make a successful small business tagline, you need to know who you are as a brand. It should explain the key components of your business and what your business means. It also means that you know what kind of image you want to present to the public. This is a significant step because once you create your first public identity, it can be difficult to change it later.


Keep It Brief

A good small business tagline is unforgettable. That means just saying what you want, but not long enough for consumers to remember. An unwritten rule is to limit words to the equivalent of a short sentence or phrase. Avoid words that are not easily understood by the public, including industrial jargon. If it is too complicated, consumers will forget about it or ignore it.


Protect It

Your small business tagline is ownership of your intellectual property. This term often refers to non-physical items, such as creative ideas, that represent your brand and have commercial value. These terms are protected by trademark, copyright, trade secret, trademark, and patent laws. A small business tagline can be protected as a trademark, which is a word or phrase that uniquely identifies a company or product.



A 3-Step Plan To Create An Amazing Business Small business tagline

The small business tagline has come with surprises with their marketing and they are not alone. Hundreds of businesses, from Apple to Microsoft to Nike, use small business taglines to increase sales and get customers to associate messages with their brand.

There is a psychological phenomenon in which we tend to develop a desire for things simply because we know them.

That’s why small business taglines work so well; they will be worth remembering to your customers and will only open up to the effect of exposure.

But small business taglines and slogans can be complex and require some creativity. That’s why I created this practical guide to creating small business taglines. In it, I discuss what a slogan is, what makes a good small business tagline, a three-step action plan to build your own small business tagline, and five examples of successful small business taglines.

A small business tagline stands for “catches a phrase or slogan, used primarily in advertising, as a point of wit.

When it comes to marketing, the small business tagline is your business anchor; it tells people who you are and what you are unique for in a few short words.

The purpose of the slogan is to create a positive, forget-me-not sentence that stays in the minds of your customers and helps them stand out as a brand and your marketing message.



There is a step-by-step process to create your small business tagline, here are a few quick tips to bear in mind:



The most successful slogans have only 3-6 words and come to mind without much thought. Usually, your slogan should be six words or less.



The small business tagline doesn’t have to be created just because you’ve seen that some famous companies have it. If you are going to invest your creative energy and marketing budget in creating a slogan, you need to really understand your brand. If not, skip one.



You should not guess what your small business tagline means. In addition to simplicity, you must clearly state the mission or purpose of your business without speculation. If you ask a few friends what they think and they will ask to say, you’re wrong.



Customers think about benefits, not features – and so does your small business tagline. It should communicate the main benefits of your brand or product to your audience without sharing “functions.” The advantage is convenience, for example, while the removable easy cleaning function is a function.



Storytelling is a big part of marketing and business. The powerful your story, the easier it is to make more sales. When your small business tagline tells a story, like some examples I shared at the end, it can be an important part of your marketing and branding.



Creating a small business tagline can usually be a complex process or it can be much easier. It really depends on your creativity and when you get inspired.

Inspiration as such is likely to reach those who act. And we’ve created a step-by-step plan that motivates you and helps you create a business small business tagline as quickly as possible!



You do this because your business today is not as big or stimulating as you would one day be. But if you start treating it as if your desires have been met since day one, you have a better chance of getting there.

So ask yourself:

Where do I want my business to be in 5-10 years?

What is my preferred position in my company? Who do I want to help?

To help with this process, click on the button below to obtain the My Business small business tagline worksheet, where you can write down the answers to these questions as you read this guide!



The hottest marketing applies to people’s emotions; your small business tagline doesn’t matter.

Ask yourself: How do people feel when they think about your business?

It can be a simple emotion, such as joy or pride. But it can also be a little more complicated, such as “refreshed”, “confident” or even “hungry”.

My worksheet covers all 27 human feelings that will help you determine how you need your customers to feel.



At this point, you know where you want to be, what you represent, and how you want your customers to feel. The first move is to create a small business tagline!

Let’s say you want to be a leading seller of coffee glasses and your goal in 10 years is to sell 10 million coffee glasses. You want to make your customers laugh at least once a day when they pick up their beneficial mug.

A good slogan might be something like:

Love in a mug

At least one reason to smile

A smile a day…

Sit. Sip. Smile.

You have an idea. I do this by imagining the feeling I want my customers to have when they see one of my cups, and then I use a little creativity to captivate that feeling in short words.

For starters, I recommend creating at least 10-20 ideas. It’s okay if they suck; it can be a numbers game. The goal is to mobilize creative acumen, and if you spin the wheels, it should be easier to come up with ideas.



In case you’re getting stuck, opportunities are you can’t find the proper phrases to deliver what you want to about your brand.



Good artists skills. If you feel anchored, go through the small business taglines of other companies and get new ideas.

Good copywriting skills. If you feel limited, look at the slogans of other companies and get new ideas.

When you get a look at them, guess why their small business tagline is like these. Figure out the emotions they are trying to express, what their product is and why it can be ridiculous. This reverse engineering process will help you create your own good small business tagline.



Creating a slogan is a small business tagline as thoughtful as creating a company name or logo. But the great thing about small business taglines is that when they don’t work, it’s simpler to change them!

Almost every famous brand changes its small business tagline at some point to suit a new goal or new trend, or simply because the old one doesn’t function.

one of the most important things you can do to combat stress and understand that slogan doesn’t have to be perfect!



Shopify has created a free slogan generator that takes your word and generates slogan ideas for your brand. Try it!



When all else fails, you can walk away!

Part of the creative process is bumping into blocks. Sometimes it’s best to do something else. Go for a walk, have a meal, talk to a friend; all to keep your mind as far away from the small business tagline as possible.

Let your reprogram your subconscious mind for success and take thought on it tomorrow!



I bet that you know at least 5 small business taglines or slogans that you have unconsciously memorized from TV commercials or newspaper ads.

Here are some of you might recognize:


1. Nike: “Just Do It”

Nike’s “Just Do It” small business tagline is one of the most identifiable in the world. It’s almost no stranger to anyone.

In fact, it is more than just a small business tagline: for many, it is a source of inspiration.

Scared your crush might disappoint you if you asked her out? Just ask her out anyway.

Are you afraid that you will disappoint your goal when you are attempting it? Just do it.

Getting the thought?

Nike was originally known as a sports shoe brand. But with his small business tagline, he was able to reach a wider audience that is not an athlete of his brand. This is done by setting a message that anyone can do anything.


2. Apple: “Think Different”

From 1997 to 2002, Apple Inc., formerly known as Apple Computer, Inc. slogan “Think different”.

This tagline helped the brand stand out from its main competitor, IBM. It also introduces and emphasizes the classic simplicity we now know about their products.

Before the campaign, many people thought that Apple computers were toys and had a bad operating system. The message in his slogan made people realize that the easiness and size of their computers set them apart.

The moral here? Apple didn’t change their products, they got themselves a great small business tagline.

Forbes reported that Apple’s stock price tripled within 12 months of launching the “Think Different” campaign.

This begins the journey of a brand whose products are named after the most valuable company in the world today.


3. MasterCard: “There Are Some Things Money Can’t Buy. For Everything Else, There’s MasterCard.”

MasterCard’s slogan moves up to their current small business tagline- “Priceless”. The campaign basically said: you can’t buy a mother-son bond, but you can make it real with a MasterCard.

By stating the tagline, they ensure the quality of their audience. It is also a straightforward message that addresses the character of its target audience.

MasterCard gives its customers a solution for buying everything money can buy. Whether it’s tickets to see a game with your son, groceries, or Louboutin shoes, you can pay with a MasterCard.

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